SBA has a proven track record of working with Iwi around the social, cultural, economic, and environmental pou. This includes work around strategy development, government relations, regional and community development, and supporting individual commercial opportunities. Our most recent work includes supporting the Murihiku Regeneration kaupapa – a long-term regenerative framework for development across the four pou- providing programme support and supporting key initiatives. SBA has also supported projects working with Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tahu and with individual Iwi organsiations – see Hokonui Rūnanga to help them achieve their aspirations.
Community and Regional Development
At the heart of our work is to help support communities and people to thrive and grow. We can see the big picture, help our clients connect, align and achieve their vision. SBA has a long history of working and supporting community and regional development opportunities across the social, cultural, economic, and environmental areas. Our team have worked on initiatives such as responding to the Canterbury Earthquake sequence, North Island water and environmental resilience projects (case study on Wairarapa Water), and also around science, innovation (case study on science and innovation wananga), and green energy opportunities (case study on future of green energy - Murihiku project). We work with community, not-for-profit, commercial, Iwi, and government entities around a range of different projects that require our expertise- either as trusted advisors, implementers, or to support community development opportunities.
SBA is privileged to be working with some of the leading technology, engineering, and research ad development experts at the forefront of the transition into a zero-emissions economy. We are leading and supporting a range of projects around the establishment of green hydrogen energy ecosystem and decarbonisation of our national and regional economies – including large scale green hydrogen production in Murihiku-Southland, mobility project opportunities (hydrogen fuelling and distribution), blue energy opportunities (marine-based energy projects) and also process heat and research and development innovations. We are proud to be working with Iwi, government, potential developers, funders, and offtake recipients on these projects that will transform our economy and help us to achieve our zero emissions goals.

“Mike and the SBA Team are trusted advisors, supporting and coordinating our green energy workstream, working with government and potential partners …which looks to support our future generations and work in the national interest”
-Murihiku Regeneration Programme Director